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Sunday morning service starts at 10:45am. Everyone is welcome.

What Is Our Sunday Morning Service

During our Sunday morning services you can expect a mixture of modern and traditional worship songs, prayers, preaching and refreshments (including biscuits!) after the service. Our activities for children and young people are organised by a team of dedicated leaders and helpers. Visitors, regulars and newcomers are always welcome.

We have a ‘all-age’ service once a month; these services make a special effort to be accessible and relevant to adults and children of all ages.

For more information on any of the Sunday Children’s activities contact chapel here.

Every Sunday we have a thriving session with Primary children enjoy their own group with plenty to keep them busy.

The Youth Fellowship group is for years 7+ and they meet each Sunday between 5.30-7.30pm. Sunday evening’s are made up of pizza, chat and looking at a relevant topic and what the Bible has to say about it. We have games nights and social activities with the occasional day trip,  and we enjoy going to Ignite Chester once a month. See Debbie Wood for more details.

For more information on any of the Sunday Children’s activities call Catharine 01829 733697

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