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Every Sunday, we want to encourage our children to explore faith, encounter Jesus, enjoy church and become equipped for life. Try us this Sunday.

Our activities for children and young people are organised by a team of dedicated leaders and helpers, leaving Mum & Dad free to enjoy adult worship. Visitors, regulars and newcomers are always welcome.

Every third Sunday is an All-age Service, bring a friend, come as a family or do both! Same time, same place.

Every Sunday we have a thriving session with Primary children enjoy their own group with plenty to keep them busy.


The Youth Fellowship group is for high school age students and they meet each Sunday at Debbie Wood’s house from 5.30-7.30pm.
Sunday evening’s are made up of pizza, chat and looking at a relevant topic and what the Bible has to say about it. We have games nights and social activities with the occasional day trip,  and we enjoy going to Ignite Chester once a month. Call Debbie on 07588 420076‬ for more information.

For more information on any of the Sunday Children’s activities call
Catharine 01829 733697

The Church caters for different levels of teaching and play for different ages.

Every Sunday the children are taught in our schoolroom and grouped according to their age ranging from toddlers through to the teenagers.

Every 3rd Sunday the children stay in the all aged service and are allowed to sit with their parents and be a part of the service or have some activities laid on for them.

Every Tuesday we have a Toddler Group in the schoolroom were all are welcome to join and share in coffee and conversation while the children play.

Every other Wednesday in term time we have a Youth Club for children aged 11+. The evening is mainly given over to the children to be themselves with their friends and get involved in our regular 15minute God slot.

Every Sunday evening the older children meet for Youth Fellowship. Here they get to explore the deeper implications of following Christ and applying this to their daily lives.

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