Mission at Home
As part of our local outreach and mission we are involved in many activities and events. Some of these are listed here.
Schools Work
Our church has strong links with the local schools, leading assemblies and supporting the Christian Union in the High School.
Holiday Club
Every summer, we get together for a week to explore God’s work through a fun packed Holiday Club. Filled with craft, music, games, jokes and drama, the children love this week
Youth Work
We run a thriving youth club which has a variety of activities and outings. We meet every Wednesday and the children have the chance to be themselves, learn about how God is working in their lives.
Little Angels – Mums and tots group
Little Angels is our group for babies/pre-schoolers and their carers. We have mums, dads, grandparents and childminders who bring along their little ones for play and a chat in a friendly environment. There’s a warm drink for the adults and a drink and snack for the children, lots of toys to play and a story to finish with. We meet each Tuesdays during term-time in the schoolroom behind the chapel from 10am until 11.30am. For more information, please call <strong>Vicky Cawrey on 07531 592146</strong>
Alpha and Christianity Explored
The Alpha Course has, in recent years, been the single most effective way of bringing people into church and into a relationship with Jesus. Christianity Explored is also a great course for those wanting to know more about Jesus, the man and His message. The food is great too! To learn more about the Alpha or Christianity Explored see our Alpha page.
Personal Evangelism
As a church we believe in the calling of each Christian to be a witness to the gospel and grace of God in Jesus Christ. We seek to encourage and equip each other in this task through training and prayer.
Good Causes
The church is also regularly open to promote the following good causes.
Save the Family
Providing emergency accommodation and vital services for homeless families with children, couples and singles from Chester, Merseyside and North Wales.
Cards for Good Causes
Buy your Christmas cards from us and support the major UK charities